Monday, July 23, 2012

"Doctor! Doctor! Mr. M. D.!"
What's a lab coat, a red nose and an oversized Holy prescription bottle have in common? Why- The Hansome Dr. Ransom M.D. (Mirth Distirbutor) of course!

In the spirit of the old (perhaps ancient by today's standards) television show "You Are There" (think of The History Channel as an itty bitty baby infant), Here is a prescription you could've received if you'd attended Bridge for Peace's Barbeque earlier this month. It's "Good for what ails Ya":

Rx                From the Storehouse of               Rx
Jesus Christ, JR-TLYYH*

Accept NO generics, no substitutes

"Accept humbly the Word God planted in you with the power to save+" James 1:21
+ from the Greek SOZO: healing, deliverance, salvation, porpsperity

"A merry heart is good medicine" Proverbs 17:22

FOR: "Health to your flesh & strength to your bones" Pr. 3:8

Frequency: "Meditate on it day and night" Joshua 1:8

Results: "You will be healed" James  5:16

Side Effects: Joy & hapiness" Job 8:11
"Peace, Purity, Gentleness, Mercy,
Goodness, Right Living" James 3:7

*JR-TLYH- Jehovah Rabba- The Lord Your Healer" Exodus 15:26